Soma Austin

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New Season for Missional Communities and BLESS Rhythms


Missional Community Refresh August 

As we prepare for the next season (September - December), we want to take a moment to reset, refresh our lives for what lies ahead. Below are some reminders we talked about at our meal recently that I wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to see. MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT THE NEXT STEPS NEAR THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. Also take 15 mins and watch the video at the bottom of the page.

What is a disciple?  Someone who worships Jesus, is changed by Jesus and obeys Jesus commands in all of life. 

Discipleship is increasingly submitting all of life to the empowering presence and lordship of Jesus Christ.

How do we make and multiply disciples?

Missional Community/ DNA / Sunday Gatherings - ALL OF LIFE. 

Life on Life. Life in Community. Life on Mission

Reorienting our lives around the Gospel, Living with Gospel intentionality

A powerful apologetic for our faith  s living out our Gospel identities together. 

What does and MC need?

Shared Leadership

Common Mission

Called People

What does an MC do? ( How do we live together)

Some examples:




Common Mission

Bless Rhythms - What are we already doing and how can we live with intentionality. 

Next Steps:

    • Listen to Bless Podcasts from Saturate ( links below)

    • BLESS Grids ( Link Below)

    • Who has God placed your life? Any people or issues God has burdened your heart for?

    • Think about the next season ahead in light of the BLESS Grid

    • What does this next season look like for you, individually, family, work, hobbies?


BLESS Podcast Episodes:

  1. Intentional Rhythms of Life

  2. Bless

  3. Listen

  4. Eat

  5. Sabbath/ Celebrate

  6. Speak

This video shares the heart of the vision that propelled us to plant Soma Austin. Hope it encourages and excites you about what lies ahead for us.